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Epiphany of the Lord - C

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Children's Activity


"The reason for the season" -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C
Teachers or Parents: It is true that much of the world

Gospel Grams 2

Epiphany of the Lord -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C

Gospel Grams 1

Epiphany of the Lord -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Has it dawned on you? -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- R. Craig Maccreary -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2022
Note: This installment was originally published in 2007.
Turn the Lights On! -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2019
Apocalyptic visioning is nothing new.
Shine, Jesus, shine! -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Wayne Brouwer -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
In their book Resident Aliens, Stanley Hauerwas and William Willimon tell the story of a Unit
The glory of God -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2001
These are the longest hours of darkness.
The unification of humanity -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 1998
The English word "epiphany" derives from the Greek epiphaneia, which means "appearance" or "appearin
Variations on a theme -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 1995
The readings for this day are firmly fixed in all cycles of the lectionary and this poses a challeng
Christmas lights -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C
Editor's note: Because some churches now use the Epiphany Day lections instead of th

Children's bulletin

Gospel Grams 2

Epiphany of the Lord -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C

Gospel Grams 1

Epiphany of the Lord -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C

Children's sermon


Decisions -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- John Jamison -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2022
Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared
Discovering Jesus: Eee - pif - on - eee -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Arley K. Fadness -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2019
“On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and
Wise People Still Look For Jesus -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Cynthia E. Cowen -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2016
The Point: Seek Jesus with your wealth, your worship, and your life
Now I See! -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Anna Shirey -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2012
First Thoughts
Revelation -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C
I have here a picture. (In this trick picture, I have a
The reason for the season -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C
Good morning! I brought a star with me this morning to

The Immediate Word

Keepers Of The Light -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte, Thomas Willadsen -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2019
For January 6, 2019:
Word, Light, And Life -- John 1:(1-9) 10-18, Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 1:3-14, Jeremiah 31:7-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2016
This Sunday offers us a choice of texts -- some congregations will use the readings for the Second S
Candle Trimmed And Burning -- Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 3:1-12, Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
On this first Sunday of 2013, we celebrate the Epiphany of Our Lord -- and the lectionary readings t

Children's Story

Free Access

The Tale Of A Camel -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Janice B. Scott -- Epiphany of the Lord - C
I was only just full-grown when we set out on the journey, but I was strong and eager for advent



The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2009
Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2009
For he delivers the needy when they call, the poor and those who have no helper.
The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2009
... enable you to perceive my understanding of the mystery of Christ.
The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Stephen P. McCutchan -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2009
... and they knelt down and paid him homage....-- Matthew 2:11



Unfathomable Riches! No Assembly Required, Gentiles Included -- Isaiah 60:1-6, 9, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12, Psalm 72 -- John A. Tenbrook -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2003
Thespian Theological Thoughts


Emphasis Preaching Journal

Sermon Illustrations for Epiphany of the Lord (2022) -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez, Bill Thomas -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2022
Isaiah 60:1-6
Sermon Illustrations for Epiphany of the Lord (2019) -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Mark Ellingsen, Frank Ramirez, Bonnie Bates, Bill Thomas -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2019
Isaiah 60:1-6a
Sermon Illustrations for Epiphany of the Lord (2013) -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Mark Ellingsen, Mark J. Molldrem, Ron Love, Bob Ove, Cynthia E. Cowen -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
Isaiah 60:1-6
Epiphany is a story of the light... -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
Epiphany is a story of the light, the star, which leads the wise men to the light of the world.
Colin Powell, as Secretary of State... -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Ron Love -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
Colin Powell, as Secretary of State, tried to negotiate peace between Palestine and Israel.
What is a revelation and how does it come?... -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- Bob Ove -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
Almost all of us have read the Bible or heard it read, but how many have had a revelation?
In our system of government... -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- Mark J. Molldrem -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
In our system of government, as well as in many other systems around the world, there is the positio
Romance stories touch my heart... -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- Cynthia E. Cowen -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
Romance stories touch my heart, but give me a "mystery," one with good suspense. Great reading!
Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens enlisted in the Navy... -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Ron Love -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
Currently seated Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens enlisted in the Navy several hours before t
our sense of propriety are easily offended... -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Mark Ellingsen -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
Reason and our sense of propriety are easily offended by the lowly state of the baby whom the wise m
Many strange things have been... -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Many strange things have been done in the name of science -- even in outer space. The
Many young campers have been... -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Many young campers have been awakened by a rousing rendition of the chorus to "Arky
For too long, Christina remained... -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
For too long, Christina remained silent. It might have been from her childhood that she
Once there was a cave... -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Once there was a cave that lived in darkness underground, as you would expect a cave to
Tom was vaguely disturbed. He... -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Tom was vaguely disturbed. He felt it all day, starting at the office. He thought for sure
Many people today are prisoners... -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Many people today are prisoners. No, they are not living at a correctional facility, or in
As I write this, some... -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
As I write this, some secret plans to blow up airplanes are making headlines. In contrast,
A story is told of... -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
A story is told of the late King Hussein of Jordan. In the latter years of the king's reign,
Small or insignificant towns sometimes... -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Small or insignificant towns sometimes produce legendary figures. Take the city of
What we learn during our... -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
What we learn during our formative years can become a life lesson. Renee's father
The wise men presented gold... -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
The wise men presented gold, frankincense, and myrrh to Jesus. Gold was a reminder of
The Chicago Triathlon is the... -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2001
The Chicago Triathlon is the largest triathlon in the world.

The Immediate Word

Keepers Of The Light -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte, Thomas Willadsen -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2019
For January 6, 2019:
Word, Light, And Life -- John 1:(1-9) 10-18, Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 1:3-14, Jeremiah 31:7-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2016
This Sunday offers us a choice of texts -- some congregations will use the readings for the Second S
Candle Trimmed And Burning -- Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 3:1-12, Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
On this first Sunday of 2013, we celebrate the Epiphany of Our Lord -- and the lectionary readings t



The momentous witness of the wise men -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Dennis Koch -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 1994
Gospel Theme:The momentous witness of the wise menGospel Note:
THE EPIPHANY -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72:1-14, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- B. David Hostetter -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 1985


The Immediate Word

Keepers Of The Light -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte, Thomas Willadsen -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2019
For January 6, 2019:
Word, Light, And Life -- John 1:(1-9) 10-18, Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 1:3-14, Jeremiah 31:7-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2016
This Sunday offers us a choice of texts -- some congregations will use the readings for the Second S
Candle Trimmed And Burning -- Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 3:1-12, Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
On this first Sunday of 2013, we celebrate the Epiphany of Our Lord -- and the lectionary readings t


The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Carlos Wilton -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Theme For The Day The Magi were people of high resolution.
The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- James Evans, Stan Purdum, Carlos Wilton -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
(Occurs in all three cycles of the lectionary; see The Epiphany Of Our Lord, Cycles A and B; see
Epiphany of Our Lord -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Elizabeth Achtemeier -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2003
This serves as the stated text for Epiphany in all three cycles of the lectionary.
The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Jerry L. Schmalenberger -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2003
Seasonal Theme
The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- E. Carver Mcgriff -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2000
The Star -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 1997
1. TextIn the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem
Star Miracle -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- John R. Brokhoff -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 1991
Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from t
The Epiphany of Our Lord -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Perry H. Biddle, Jr. -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 1988
Comments on the Lessons

Free Access

The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Carlos Wilton -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Theme For The Day The Magi were people of high resolution.


The Immediate Word

Keepers Of The Light -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte, Thomas Willadsen -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2019
For January 6, 2019:
Word, Light, And Life -- John 1:(1-9) 10-18, Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 1:3-14, Jeremiah 31:7-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2016
This Sunday offers us a choice of texts -- some congregations will use the readings for the Second S
Candle Trimmed And Burning -- Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 3:1-12, Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
On this first Sunday of 2013, we celebrate the Epiphany of Our Lord -- and the lectionary readings t


To God Be The Glory! -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Derl G. Keefer -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2009
One of the most prolific songwriters of the nineteenth century was Fanny Crosby.
Ambassadors Of The Lord -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- Richard E. Gribble, CSC -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2009
There is an ancient Christian story that speaks of a fourth wise man, Artaban, in his pursuit of the
Jesus Makes All The Difference -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Cynthia E. Cowen -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2009
Our gospel reading for this Epiphany Sunday is a marvelous story about confrontation.
Walking In The Light -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Mary S. Lautensleger -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Walking in the dark is difficult, even in the familiarity of your own home.
Two For The Price Of One -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- John T. Ball -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Today is an important day in the life of the world and the life of the church.
What Gift Do You Bring? -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Gary L. Carver -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
I remember watching a football game between Kansas State and Ohio State.
The Promise Of Sight -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Harry N. Huxhold -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2000
The Epiphany of our Lord never fails to arouse fascination for the story of the Visit of the Magi.
What A Star Can't Tell You -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- William G. Carter -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2000
"Hi, Pastor! How are you?" She waved a glove from the other end of the parking lot.
From Crumbs To Half A Loaf -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2000
On a Boy Scout camping trip, the little group of scouts hiked up a mountainside and made camp for su
The Narrow Way Broadens Us -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- James H. Bailey -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 1985
I grew up with the "anti-Epiphany heresy" that says being a Christian and being narrow are synonymou



Living in Hope -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Peter Andrew Smith -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2022
“I know they’ll come.” Mary shifted in her wheelchair but kept looking out the window.


The Gospel By Starlight -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- David E. Leininger -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2009
"Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?
The Magi Got A Gift, Too -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Gregory L. Tolle -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Then Herod secretly called for the wise men and learned from them the exact time when the star ha
Tipping Etiquette -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Timothy F. Merrill -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2003
I don't frequent fine restaurants regularly, but occasionally I will visit an establishment that com
Seeing The Light -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- John E. Sumwalt -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2003
Much of my Christian experience has come through the "School of Hard Knocks," better known as prison
One Tiny Light -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Constance Berg -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2000
It's a strange phenomenon that scientists are surely able to explain.
Epiphany Of The Lord -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- John Steward -- Epiphany of the Lord - C
Many years ago there was a play named Eagerheart.


The Immediate Word

Keepers Of The Light -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Bethany Peerbolte, Thomas Willadsen -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2019
For January 6, 2019:
Word, Light, And Life -- John 1:(1-9) 10-18, Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 1:3-14, Jeremiah 31:7-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, Christopher Keating, Ron Love, George Reed, Robin Lostetter -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2016
This Sunday offers us a choice of texts -- some congregations will use the readings for the Second S
Candle Trimmed And Burning -- Matthew 2:1-12, Ephesians 3:1-12, Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- Dean Feldmeyer, Mary Austin, George Reed -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2013
On this first Sunday of 2013, we celebrate the Epiphany of Our Lord -- and the lectionary readings t


The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14 -- Julia Ross Strope -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2009
The light of truth is in the skies. Or it may be only a shadow.
The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
First Lesson: Isaiah 60:1-6Theme: Witness To The Light
The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Ephesians 3:1-12 -- Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Second Lesson: Ephesians 3:1-12Theme: Mystery Solved
The Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Matthew 2:1-12 -- Frank Ramirez -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2006
Gospel Lesson: Matthew 2:1-12Theme: Stopping For Directions
Epiphany Of Our Lord -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- H. Burnham Kirkland -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2003
Theme: Tell The Good News Of What The Lord Has DoneCall To Worship
Look Around, See The Light -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- Dallas A. Brauninger -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2000
Call To Worship Leader: Look around, see the light.
Epiphany -- Wayne H. Keller -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 2000
Liturgical Color: Green(January 6 to the Beginning of Lent)
The Light has come -- Isaiah 60:1-6 -- James R. Wilson -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 1997
Call To WorshipLeader: Come, let all of God's people give praise and worship the Lord!
THE EPIPHANY -- Isaiah 60:1-6, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 -- Heth H. Corl -- Epiphany of the Lord - C -- 1976
First Lesson: Isaiah 60:1-6
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New & Featured This Week

The Immediate Word

Dean Feldmeyer
Thomas Willadsen
Mary Austin
Christopher Keating
George Reed
Katy Stenta
For June 16, 2024:

Emphasis Preaching Journal

Frank Ramirez
Out with the old, and in with the new. That’s easily said, but not so easily done. Yet though we think of ourselves as simple people, we can end up with a lot of clutter. Change is necessary, but that’s not always a comfortable transition to make. It’s hard enough to clean out our closets. But how about our spiritual lives?
Mark Ellingsen
Frank Ramirez
Bill Thomas
1 Samuel 15:34--16:13


Peter Andrew Smith
“My parents raised me in the church.” Charlene leaned against the desk in their residence room. “So to answer your question, I guess I’ve always had faith.”

“Really?” Jody flopped on the bed in the other side of the room. “You can’t ever remember a time when you didn’t believe?”

Charlene thought for a moment. “I’ve certainly had doubts but those are the things that actually confirmed my faith. Like when Nan died in the car accident.”

Jody sat up against the wall and considered her friend. “You kept your faith because your grandmother died unexpectedly?”


John Jamison
Object: A packet of mustard seeds, or a packet of the smallest seeds you can find.

* * *

Hello, everyone! (Let them respond.) Are you ready for our story today? (Let them respond.) Excellent!

One day Jesus was talking with his friends and he wanted to tell them something really, really important. So, this is what he told them. He said:


Carlos Wilton
Among the greatest political speeches ever written is Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address. His brief Gettysburg Address is more famous, but those who take the time to read the Second Inaugural Address will come away impressed not only by Lincoln's rhetorical skills, but also with his probing philosophical mind and deep piety.

William J. Carl, III
I don't know about you but when I was growing up I always loved hearing the story of Cinderella. There was always something magical about it. It was more than Walter Mitty or Lee Iacocca -- small-town boy made good. It was more than Prince Charles and Princess Diana in all their regal splendor long before Diana's untimely death.

Ron Lavin
The kingdom of God is described in many different ways in the Bible. In Mark 4, the kingdom of God is described in terms of small seeds quietly planted by a farmer. The seeds can grow to great size, like a mustard plant which in ancient Israel became one of the largest of bushes. Small beginnings can have great endings.
Glenn W. Mcdonald
In his book Making Life Work, Chicago area pastor Bill Hybels cites a study that was published under an intriguing title: 178 Seconds to Live. The study concerned twenty pilots, all seasoned veterans in the cockpits of their small planes, but none of whom had ever taken instrument training. One by one they were placed in a flight simulator and told to do whatever they could to keep their planes level and under control. The simulator generated the conditions of a storm, including impenetrable, dark clouds.

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